Slides from my session «SharePoint 2016 – What’s new for IT Pros»
The second day at the SharePoint Conference in Vienna starts with my session SharePoint 2016: What’s new for IT Pros. First of all we take a look on the evolution of SharePoint to understand the vision and targets in SharePoint 2016. The next topics is a bit more technical and shows the hardware / software requirements and the deployment secenarios. A key point in my session is the MinRole conecept which is further step of the streamlined topology which was introduced in SharePoint 2013. We also take a look on how to upgrade and migrate from older SharePoint versions. Last but not least we are going thru the enhancements and improvements in SharePoint 2016 closing with some random news which I collected during the last weeks.
Check my deck for more details about what’s new in SharePoint Server 2016 for IT Pros: